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  • Cadaver Organ Sanman - 25th November 2016
  • 68th Republic Day - 26th January 2017
  • Inaugration of Dialysis  center at unjha on28thaug
  • Inaugration of Dialysis  center at unjha on28thaug
  • Awards Distribution Ceremony 2016
  • Event - 2024
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  • World Kidney Day
  • 68th Republic Day - 26th January 2017
  • Award Photos


Histopathology and Cytopathology

All the specimens/ biopsies are received from in-house as well as outside hospitals/ consultants all over the state of Gujarat and outside. Specimens are mainly received from nephrology, urology, gastrointestinal surgery, hepatology, neurosurgery, obstetric and gynecology departments. Dermatology specimens are also handled especially for immunofluorescence studies. It has a very active and one of the best renal and transplant pathology programs of the country with around 1200 biopsies evaluated annually. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy studies are routinely performed on renal and transplant biopsies.

All the required IHC is performed as per the requirement. Turn-over time is less than 24 hours for routine work, and in case of urgency, within 6 hours of receipt of biopsies. Frozen sections are also handled here. E-mail facilities are utilized for communicating with consultants in different cities who send their samples/specimens for evaluation. The section is equipped with fully automated tissue processor, embedding station, cryostat and auto-stainer from Leica Microsystems and TEM is from Carl Zeiss, Germany. A small museum with different specimens has also been created for education purpose.

Microbiology and Serology

This section handles all samples for aerobic/ anerobic bacterial/ mycology work catering to in-house/ outdoor patients and from other centers/ consultants. Serology tests for VDRL, ASO, RA factor and widal are carried out. We are equipped with Bactec9050 and Vitek2 Compact systems(from USA) to process early results and improve patient management. Up-gradation for molecular work is under progress. On an average this section handles 100-125 samples every day.

Hematology and Coagulation

Routine as well as special tests related to urology, nephrology, gastrointestinal surgery, hepatology, kidney and liver transplant procedures are performed on fully automated analysers from Beckman Coulter HMX (US), Sysmax 2000 XTI (Transasia, India), and Stago Compact (France) for blood coagulation profile. Minicap (Sebia, France) is used for electrophoresis. This has helped us support liver and kidney transplant programs of the institute. Bone marrow aspirations and trephine biopsies are performed in the section by qualified Pathologists. Turn over time for routine hematology is less than 2 hours.

Immunology profile

Immunology section performs testing by ELISA, Chemiluminescence and latex methods. This lab started testing for HCV antibodies of blood and organ donors in mid-nineties, as a routine practice in addition to other studies. Tests for HIV-1/ 2, Hepatitis B/ C, CMV are performed every day. On an average 250-300 samples are handled here every day.

In addition, other tests routinely performed are marker studies for prostate evaluation, all vasculitis and autoimmune disorders, certain hormonal assays, vitamin B12, folic acid, ferritin, C-peptide, insulin and GAD antibodies. Fully automated ELISA processor BEP 2000 Advance (Siemens, Germany) and Cobas e411 (Roche Diagnostics, Germany), VitrosECiq (Johnson & Johnson, USA) are used for carrying out the tests.A semi-automated chemiluminescence technique (Lumex) is also used routinely.

Blood Bank and Transfusion Services

Blood bank approved by Food and Drugs Controller of India (licensed) caters to needs of dialysis centers, surgical areas and organ transplant areas of the hospital and works independently. Whole blood and components are provided to all the patients as per requirement. Apheresis services are also available. Single donor platelet, leucopheresis and therapeutic plasma exchange are routine procedures of this area. Stem cell (PBSC) collection is a research oriented procedure that has been established as a practice in the clinic here with 100 % success.

We have performed more than 3000 procedures in this section. We are equipped with IMMUNOCOR an automated system for blood grouping and antibody screening, Cobe spectra (vs-7, Gambro China), Spectra OptiaTerumo- Penpol (Japan) and Comtech from Fresenius Kabi (Germany) for apheresis procedures,automated blood component instruments from Terumo- Penpol (Japan) to handle the work load. Blood donors voluntarily come forward to donate blood / components for relatives or on request from Blood bank officials. They are bled in the blood bank premises as well as outside drives. There are experienced technicians who manage this area under the guidance of qualified blood bank officers and other Pathologists. About 30-40 volunteers visit this center for donating blood every day. Apheresis procedures are carried out at a frequency of 3-5 per week.

Clinical Pathology

All biological fluids with main load of urine followed by other body fluids and stone analysis are handled by technician with the help of an attendant under the guidance of a Pathologist. On an average 250-300 samples are handled here every day with a turnover time of less than two hours. Urisys 2400 (Roche Germany) fully automated analyzer is used for urinalysis and FTIR Perkin Elmer is used for performing stone analysis.


Biochemistry is well equipped with fully automated analysers like XL 640 (Transasia, India), RXL dimension (Siemens, Germany), Vitros 350 (Johnson & Johnson, USA), AU 480 (Beckman Coulter, USA) and electrolyte analysersEasylite(Transasia,India). In addition to routine biochemistries which include renal, liver, pancreatic function tests, cardiac and lipid profile, metabolic assessment, and electrolytes, this section also handles drug assays. We are enrolled under the quality assurance program of CMC, Vellore, to maintain high standards. On an average 1500 tests are performed every day here.

Outpatient Collection Centre

Blood and urine samples are collected every morning from 8 am to 6 p.m. from Mondays to Fridaysand till 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Reports of most of the samples are dispatched here within 3 hours of collection. There is a separate collection center for transplanted patients. On an average 300 to 350 patients of all ages are handled here every working day.


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